4 Quotes & Sayings By Michelle Marcos

Michelle Marcos is a motivational speaker and a multi-published author of fiction and nonfiction. She's a wife, a mother, a stay-at-home mom, a dog lover, a Christmas fanatic, and a coffee junkie. She believes that every day is a chance to be extraordinary and that we all have an amazing story to tell. Michelle holds an undergraduate degree in English from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (Go 'Cats!), and is an alumna of the prestigious iCARE Denver Conference for Certified Sales Professionals. Michelle has been teaching sales and business skills since 2004 Read more

Her webinars and workshops focus on personal brand development, social media marketing, and webinars with topics such as: High Performance Selling (HPS), QuickBooks Business Basics 101 & Beyond; The Power of Purpose; Social Media Marketing 101; How to Be More Productive; and The Power of Intention – how to take your dreams for granted!

Lady Ponsonby was right. The forbidden fruit isn't shaped like...
Lady Ponsonby was right. The forbidden fruit isn't shaped like an apple. It's shaped like a banana. Michelle Marcos
I give you my name, my earthly possessions, and my eternal love. But of all the things I have, the thing I want most to give you are my eyes, these eyes that see how magnificently beautiful you are. Michelle Marcos
You are a bit like that painting, Minnow. Remember how lovingly and carefully formed you are. Your thoughts, your talents, your memories, your mistakes.... they all make the complete canvas of you. Even though others may mistake your worth, you must never value yourself any less. Michelle Marcos